Requests (724)
Bridge Repair
Bridge over Harris Branch creek has a lot of branches hanging too close to cars, falling over onto the road
CLOSED #24-00327729Vegetation Cut - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: VEGETATION_CUTSummary: Contractor emailed work completion confirmation on 9/12/2024Details.
Bridge Repair
Overgrown vegetation
CLOSED #24-00308659Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: Routed to 3-1-1 for reassignment. Details Thank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations forwarded this request back to 3-1-1 for the appropriate department assignment.
Bridge Repair
CLOSED #24-00307899Non COA Jurisdiction - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: NOT_COAJURISDSummary: Not in COA Jurisdiction.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations reviewed your request and determined that this is outside of City of Austin jurisdiction. No further action required.Charles Hernandez inspected and determined this is a TXDOT bridge they are referring to.
Bridge Repair
CLOSED #24-00305480Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: Routed to 3-1-1 for reassignment Details Thank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations forwarded this request back to 3-1-1 for the appropriate department assignment. Please send to Watershed Dept.
Bridge Repair
Vines and vegetation growing on bridge railing
CLOSED #24-00287734No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: MICHAEL.JONES Log Type: NO_PROBLEM Summary: Forwarded to SBO Bridge Details This request has been forwarded to the appropriate group to address bridge vegetation.
Bridge Repair
Vegetation on bridge
CLOSED #24-00287184No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: MICHAEL.JONES Log Type: NO_PROBLEM Summary: Forwarded to SBO Bridge Details This request has been forwarded to the appropriate group to address bridge vegetation.
Bridge Repair
Masonry damage on overpass over I-35
CLOSED #24-00285524Non COA Jurisdiction - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: PIZANOA Log Type: NOT_COAJURISD Summary: Not in COA Jurisdiction. Details Thank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations reviewed your request and determined that this is outside of City of Austin jurisdiction. No further action required. TXDOT Jurisdiction.
Bridge Repair
CLOSED #24-00275449Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: MICHAEL.JONES Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: Forward to PARD Details Requester is describing bridge on Blunn Creek Greenbelt Trl. Please forward to PARD to address.
Bridge Repair
CLOSED #24-00272409Future Maintenance Planned - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: FUTURE_MAINTPLAN Summary: New Gaurdrail Details Thank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations completed your request and has notified the appropriate Street and Bridge Operations workgroup for follow-up, if any. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Street and Bridge Operations Dispatch at (512) 974-8777 and provide work order number 24-177792 as a reference.
Bridge Repair
Clean bridge
CLOSED #24-00265620Future Maintenance Planned - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: CONSTANCIORO Log Type: FUTURE_MAINTPLAN Summary: SBO - Bridge Repair - needs power washing - 1605 WALSH TARLTON LN Details Thank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations completed your request and has notified the appropriate Street and Bridge Operations workgroup for follow-up, if any. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Street and Bridge Operations Dispatch at (512) 974-8777 and provide work order number 24-177518 as a reference.