Requests (1,610)

  • Erosion

    1524 S Ih 35 SB, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00195932

    No Work Planned - Future Project - Close SR. This request was identified as overdue in a quality assurance process. It is a duplicate with 24-00028811. Eric Loucks attempted to contact the resident via phone twice, but was unsuccessful. The Watershed Protection department has reviewed the most recent photographed and assessed this site in 2017, 2020 and 2022. It is a concrete bottom channel built in 1995. It is mostly in good condition with a few locations where there has been some erosion of the banks above the concrete. At 6404 Kenilworth, the erosion seems to be worse than nearly all the other properties along this project. This site is less shaded than most and there is a large stand of bamboo on the opposite bank of the creek. Our suggested solution is to install a mix of rock and soil to fill the eroded area and then try to establish vegetation on the bank. It's possible that the City could make this repair if we can get access. The fence and retaining wall are failing due to age and poor soils and are the responsibility of the property owner. We have added the site to our erosion database but have no immediate plans to build a project in this reach.

  • Erosion

    4511 Lucksinger Ln, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00195422

    Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: ROCKK Log Type: WO_CREATED Summary: Do not call resident Details Kathy R. 8-1-24 Sho Email "Please do not call this resident as I hear that there has been some aggressive behavior from him in the past".

  • Erosion

    7101 Foy Cir, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00182365
  • Erosion

    1609 Mearns Meadow Blvd, Austin

    Bank erosion behind artificial wall due to storms

    CLOSED #24-00177591

    Referred to Other Agency - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: DELEONF Log Type: REF_EXTERNAL Summary: Investigation Details Information has been sent to Watershed Engineering for evaluation. Staff will update findings to the citizen.

  • Erosion

    1406 W 9th St, Austin

    Active construction site on W 9th St is causing significant erosion at West Austin Park. The site begins draining at the parking lot at Maufrais St

    CLOSED #24-00176600

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: SOLISJO Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: Investigation Details Please transfer to Development Services Department for active construction site, not catching their runoff and causing damage. Please have them investigate. No action needed from Watershed.

  • Erosion

    11825 Gaelic Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00176496

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: DELEONF Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: Investigation Details Forward to Public Works. Concern is with erosion in right of way sidewalk. watershed only addresses erosion along creek banks. Photo on attachment.

  • Erosion

    2308 Peach Ct, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00173620

    Referred to Other Agency - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: DELEONF Log Type: REF_EXTERNAL Summary: Investigation Details SRP engineers visited this site on February 15, 2018. The erosion site at 2308 Peach Ct is a small bank scour scar on the outside of a bend threatening to undermine a chain link fence. The site was last visited on 10-5-2011. Comparing with 2011 photos and measurements, it appears that the erosion has advanced slightly. There is a private storm drain discharging through the bank near the scar.No erosion repair work is planned at this location due to the minor nature of the problem and the fact that no resources other than the yard/fence are threatened.The advice we give to homeowners with fence issues are the following:1. Move the fence back from the edge of the creek2. Look at how water is flowing from gutters, patios, rooftops to make sure water flowing to the creek is spread out as much as possible before flowing down the creek bank.3. Plant groundcover and deep rooted plants at the fence (you can refer to ourGrow Green Guidefor good choices).Dr. Eric D. Loucks, P.E.Supervising Civil EngineerStormwater Treatment and Stream RestorationDirect: (512) 974-2534Mobile: (512) 299-1821.

  • Erosion

    6206 Berkett Cv, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00171574

    Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: ROCKK Log Type: WO_CREATED Summary: Maximo doesn't save address after Follow up To . . . Details 6-26-24 At this time, unable to save address when enter it after "Follow Up To An Inspection or Investigation".

  • Erosion

    4905 Hawk Cv, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00160185

    Referred to Other Agency - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: DELEONF Log Type: REF_EXTERNAL Summary: Investigation Details Information will be sent to engineering for evaluation regarding erosion. The citizen was contacted on site.

  • Erosion

    4210 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00159955

    No Work Planned - Future Project - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: SOLISJO Log Type: FUTURE_PROJ Summary: Investigation Details This location has been sent to engineering group to evaluate the erosion.



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