Requests (45)
Traffic Signal - Maintenance
WORK IN PROGRESS #25-00019943Completed.
Traffic Signal - Maintenance
WORK IN PROGRESS #25-00019899Completed.
Traffic Signal - Maintenance
The walk signal does not engage when crossing Slaughter to go north on Francia. It is the button on the southwest corner of Slaughter and Francia.
WORK IN PROGRESS #25-00019689Completed.
Traffic Signal - Maintenance
Light stoplight on the north west corner of red River and Ciccone has panels missing off electrical box with no lock on the box itself. It’s been neglected because of the construction zone.
WORK IN PROGRESS #25-00019580Issue Has Been Resolved - Close SR.
Traffic Signal - Maintenance
WORK IN PROGRESS #25-00018919Completed.
Traffic Signal - Maintenance
WORK IN PROGRESS #25-00018903Issue Has Been Resolved - Close SR.
Traffic Signal - Maintenance
All traffic lights in Austin have short greens causing the intersection to behave as if it is regulated by a stop sign, where the traffic must all come to a full stop before going through the intersection. You cannot time a sequence of intersections that behave like stop signs. Furthermore, drivers need a substantial amount of time to accelerate when the light turns green and cannot reach full speed limit velocity to maximize intersection throughput and roadway capacity. Reds shrt too.
WORK IN PROGRESS #25-00018817Completed.
Traffic Signal - Maintenance
WORK IN PROGRESS #25-00018704Issue Has Been Resolved - Close SR.
Traffic Signal - Maintenance
WORK IN PROGRESS #25-00017025Completed. No communication to signal, fiber is down. Check radar detection for NB Douglas phase 7.