Requests (3,698)
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00257476Vegetation Maintenance - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: MORGANJ Log Type: VEG_MAINTENANCE Summary: Pond Flag 153 Details *Pond Flag 153:*This pond has been overlooked by our contractor for many months. I requested that a new map be created. I requested that the contractor visit this pond before the end of July.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00256847Blockage Cleared - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: KRAMERJ Log Type: BLOCKAGE_CLEARED Summary: CSR 7/16/24 JK Details Visited site. Pond outfall was being obstructed by overgrown wetland vegetation. I removed it and water started flowing out the pipe. I will go back in a day to see how it looks and if anything else needs to be done.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00255790Referred to Public Works - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: MORGANJ Log Type: REF_PWD Summary: Pond Flag 52 Details *Pond Flag 52:*The area directly behind the bus stop is not part of this Watershed asset. The bust stop is located just northwest of the pond. I'm attaching a copy of the map showing the area Watershed maintains. The area needing maintenance most likely is the responsibility of Public Works. Pond Flag 52 Map.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
Trash - debris dumped near detention pond.
CLOSED #24-00255513Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: JONESAL Log Type: WO_CREATED Summary: Investigation Details *07/16/2024 There is an existing work order for this asset. Maximo work order #24-180023 was created on June 18, 2024. I have attached the latest pictures of concerns to this service request. This service request is now closed. However, the existing work order #24-180023 remains open.* *- I reinspected the assets and discovered additional issues. (1) The stone wall surrounding the pond has several major cracks/separations in the mortar, stone, etc. (2) Several areas of erosion, possibly animal holes. (3) There is a wooden pallet and other debris wedged in the SCM outlet's mouth. (4) A large fallen sign, a medium-sized tree has fallen, brush building up at the entrance ramp, and vegetation needs to be maintained there as well.*.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00254912No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: JACKSONBR Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUND Summary: Site visit in response to CSR24-002549 Details Conducted a site visit/inspection in response to CSR24-00254912. Citizen was concerned about algae and a "fish kill" within the pond, even providing a few photos showing 3 very small dead fish along the bank. This pond is maintained quite regularly and looks to be in good condition overall, with some minor vegetation around the West inflow and very minor debris throughout. Required plantings are present and healthy along the perimeter. The permanent pool elevationmight be just a tad bit low, but given that we're in the midst of a hot, mid-July dry period, it looks fine and healthy (all things considered), including the wildlife for which it provides. Plentiful gambusia, turtles, frogs, and waterfowl were observed during my visit. While walking around the entire pond I did not see a single dead fish anywhere along the banks or out in the main body of the pond. There is nothing at all to suggest a "fish kill" is occurring. Perhaps the turtles and/or birds took care of the ones shown in the provided photos. Or, perhaps a shorebird was responsible for the dead ones noticed by the citizen. In any event, there is not a "fish kill" occurring. Regarding the algae, which is more prevalent than usual, the current drought/summer conditions must be considered. However, its presence isn't covering the entire pond, and should be naturally remedied once we receive some measurable rainfall. No letter warranted at this time. (WO# 24-181539).
Drainage Pond Maintenance
Still hasn’t been cleaned up. Still way overgrown. Will check in again next week.
CLOSED #24-00252714Vegetation Maintenance - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: MORGANJ Log Type: VEG_MAINTENANCE Summary: Pond Flag 604 Details *Pond Flag 604:*The photo the customer sent indicates that the contractor did not complete the maintenance work when they visited the pond on June 25, 2025. Multiple requests were made for the contractor to return and complete the work, including July 2nd, July 8th and July 12th. This work is substandard and not acceptable by the City of Austin Watershed Protection Department. Watershed apologizes for the incomplete work and non-responsiveness of our contractor to complete the work. We are working with management to correct this problem. I attempted to contact the customer this morning to apologize. I left a message with my name and phone number should he choose to call me back.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00251570Debris Cleared - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: DEBRIS_CLEAREDSummary: CompletedDetails.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00251569Vegetation Maintenance - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: MORGANJ Log Type: VEG_MAINTENANCE Summary: Pond Flag 357 Details *Pond Flag 357:*This pond is on the Wildflower Meadow Program. The basins of the pond are mowed 4x annually and the buffers around the pond are mowed 2x annually. The last time this pond received maintenance was May 14, 2024. It is on the maintenance list for July to mow the basins and the buffer will be mowed in August.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00250786 -
Drainage Pond Maintenance
Stornmwater drainage facility is need of vegetation cut. Has been lying without maintenance for the last 3 months creating breeding room for insects and snakes.
CLOSED #24-00250547PRPRISCS. Class: SR Created By: ELSEYW Log Type: NO_WORK_PVT_POND Summary: Vegetation Details Juliet Morgan has been in contact with customer, the vegetation maintenance at this location is the HOAs responsibility. The customer has contacted the Hillcrest HOA @ 512-918-8100 and requested services.