Requests (5,705)
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00429974Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation Public Works (TPW) is evaluating the street for missing flex posts and will reinstall any missing flex posts.
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00423967Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation and Public Works (TPW) staff will evaluate the location for additional signage, markings and/or enforcement needs.
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00423909Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Concern has been referred to the Vision Zero Program and South Area Engineering Office for further evaluation. This project is a safety pilot project. For more information visit the project webpage:
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00423668Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation and Public Works (TPW) staff reviewed the area. A curb extension was constructed on the east curb of the intersection. This curb extension provides for more visibility of pedestrians crossings. The corner appears to be installed as intended. For more information on the Slaughter Lane Corridor Project visit
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00422341Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation and Public Works staff have contacted the constituent and resolved the concern.
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00422310Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation and Public Works has installed a Safe Routes to School project along streets in the Circle C North neighborhood. For more information visit the project webpage:
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00421487Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation and Public Works will be installing protected bike lanes along Cameron Road at 51st Street. For more information, visit the project webpage here:
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00420093Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Please refer to North Area Engineering Offce for evaluation.
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00419941Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Please send to Central Area Engineering Office for follow up.
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00419889Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. A work order has been issued to correct the sign placement. Changes will be completed as soon as crew capacity allows.